Monday, July 7, 2008

good day on the dargle

hi kayaking in Ireland in summer is great . Last week i was watching the rain coming in started arranging to meet up with friends at the dargle , then on sunday it all came together rain good friends rivers could it get any better . We all met up at the take out of the dargle at 0830, on the way there the roads were flooded so i know this was going to be a big day , when i got there i was right 5 blocks and brown is it come up ? some of the lads were there Mike the bull Good , H , swimo , where is Rob the leader of this mad group of miss fits yep mr murphy is in bed so we waited for him , one hour later and gang all together had theriver dropped had it hell it had come up by about three inchs o well change and on we go . All good pull into eddy on the left just before main falls we all know that the last eddy would be washed out . It look cool water crashing on the walls then over the main falls , the paddle over the main falls is going to be fast , then i heard the lads say dilly you ran this bigger than this yep i had that does not mean i was not nervous . Mike and Rob ran first i did resue all went well , then it was my go ,a long walk back up to my boat alone . In i get and away i go , fast and painless , i pulled into an eddy just before the biggest hole on the river i was just about to get back in to my boat when H came flying over the falls hit stright into the hole , well he cart wheeled, looped , he put up a great fight but this time the river was just that little to big , yep he swam long and hard swim , he got out and one very sore leg and sore pride , swimo and H walked off the river so it was just the three of us , we ran the rest of the river and found H boat's pulled it out , paddled on the smiles on every body faces getting bigger with each drop , the end comes all to soon , great day on the dargle